Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Ohmigosh ohmigosh

I am almost to the point of panic, but not yet. I have eight days to prepare for my departure. Within these eight days I will:
Celebrate the 4th of July with friends
Possibly take the GRE
Help put together binders for a university program
Play Dr. Smith in racquetball
Select grad schools with Dr. Leavy
Attend a "farewell" dinner for me at a Mexican restaurant
Attend a private farewell dinner at a Spanish restaurant
Say good-bye to all my friends in Delaware! *tear*
Pack up my room in Bashford and move home
Attend my friends Eric and Maria's wedding (and read during the ceremony)
Attend my nephew's baptism in Cincinnati
Hopefully receive my new laptop, and then program it and transfer files
Cancel my cell phone
Buy a Eurorail pass
Exchange dollars for Euros and British pounds
Buy traveler's cheques
Pack up all of the worldy possessions I will need for an entire year
Totally doable, right? We'll see. It may very well be that the next time I post, I will be in Ireland!


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