Thursday, June 07, 2007

It's Not Rubbish?

I've been spending this week in Belfast working on an independent project. Each volunteer is allowed 5 days to go work somewhere else to experience another similar organisation. We call it our initiative week, because it's up to ourselves to take the initiative to plan our week away. My initiative week is slightly different than most. I am working with one of our programme staff members, so I'm not with a different organisation. I am in the process of evaluating a cross-community women's project that was carried out over the course of a year. Because I'm working with/for someone who already knows me, she trusts me to do the evaluation on my own. Other organisations that I talked to didn't think that 5 days would be enough time to truly get to know their organisations, which means they didn't think I would really be able to do them any good in just 5 days. I understand. This way, I get to do a type of project that is closer to the type of thing I studied at university. This is the type of thing I think I might like to do for a living, so I'm pretty chuffed. It's going well so far, and I hope to write up a decent report that will help develop the programme as well as my skills.
While I'm in Belfast, I'm also taking advantage of all the city has to offer. So I hung out in the city centre and visited the 'Waste. It's not rubbish.' festival all about recycling. It was pretty cool, really. And they had a huge art piece on the city hall lawn. It make syou think about what you throw away in your lifetime. And before I came to Belfast, I caught a gorgeous sunset in Ballycastle.

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At 5:12 PM, June 08, 2007, Blogger GdM said...

"Pretty chuffed"?


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