Monday, July 23, 2007

The last Irish post

This will be my last post made in Northern Ireland. I've said good-bye to all of my fellow volunteers, the staff, and the friends that I've made along the way.
It's impossible to summarise the experiences I've had here, the learning I've done, or the connection I've forged with the people and this place. All I can say is, I will be back. There's a joke that when you come to Corrymeela they put a homing device in you so that you can't get actually get away for long. The further you try to run away, the faster you are snapped back. Since words will not convey my year, I will attempt with photos.

Photos: The team on a day out eating brownies, Rina and I in London, coastearing off Dunseverick, Christian and I in Ballycastle, and a gorgeous sunset from behind the main house.


Monday, July 02, 2007

You take the high road and I'll take the low road...

...and I'll be in Scotland before you.'s taken me ages, but here's my update and photos from my holiday in Scotland with Adrienne and Jason. We took off for about a week to travel around together after volunteering on-site for four days.
Descriptions of photos: 1. The three of us in Edinburgh 2. Jason and Adrienne missing John at the Edinburgh Castle 3. The three of us atop of the mountain we climbed in Edinburgh 4. The view from the stone circle-thing in Oban--amazing! 5. The three of us hanging out on a playground on the Isle of Mull, off the coast of Oban.
I had an amazing time with these ones. We went to several art museums, did tons of walking about, and tasted the fine food and beverages of Scotland and Ireland. It was really nice to hang out with people who've known me for longer than the time I've spent in Northern Ireland, and in a context other than volunteering. A wee bit of home came to see me again. I'm having to start thinking about flying home. I've checked my baggage weight allowance, confirmed the flights, and begun to think about packing. There's no way everything will fit into the suitcases I brought it all in! Absolutely not! This will require much creative thinking. And there's also my leaving party to plan, which will be fun and hard at the same time. It's going to be hard to leave the friends I've made here. But, it will be nice to see again the friends I've missed for the past year.

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