Wet, cold, and happy
That title describes the group I worked with for the past two days. They were happy enough to be doing an adventure learning game involving water out in the cold and the rain with few complaints. This group of 13-15 year olds was really awesome. Working with them was exhausting, especially because one of the volunteers who was meant to work with them was sick and couldn't help. But it was so much fun!
We ran a disco (dance) and they loved it! Of course, at the beginning they all just sorta stood around and maybe tapped their foot or bobbed their head in time to the music. No way would they actually dance out in the middle of the dance floor! And with the opposite gender? Don't be silly! But eventually, we wore them down. It might have helped that we four volunteers were out there making fools of ourselves. My motto was, "you've gotta be a better dancer than me!" And of course, they were! But that's ok. I did manage to hurt myself dancing though, that's how bad I am! I pulled a muscle a few weeks ago, (playing soccer, see picture) and as it was getting much better, I strained it again dancing. Brilliant, I am.

By the way, the sheep had nothing to do with me getting hurt. I slipped on some mud defending my team's goal. In case you wondered, yes, I blocked the shot. And my team ended up winning.
P.S. Sources tell me that I will soon have a new camera, so this might be the last paint picture!
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